What Makes a Woman a Heroine?

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills

positive-954797As a writer, I have a list of what I feel is vital for a woman to be a heroine in a romantic suspense novel. Determining who my female character is takes time and lots of thought.

My criteria may not be what you expected.

  • It’s not brains or beauty.
  • It’s not an ivy-league education.
  • It’s not her ability as a crack shot or a master of self-defense.
  • It’s not her profession.

What she must possess is a tight grip on tenacity to solve a problem or reach a goal.don't give up

Here are 12 important characteristics that matter to my heroine.

  1. My heroine doesn’t need a man to rescue her.
  2. My heroine loves unconditionally.
  3. My heroine is proud of her femininity.
  4. My heroine is strong mentally.
  5. My heroine isn’t defined by social status.
  6. My heroine puts her own life on hold until the problem is solved.
  7. My heroine risks everything to keep people safe.
  8. My heroine refuses to accept age as a barrier.
  9. My heroine shoves greed from her DNA.
  10. My heroine thinks of others before herself.
  11. My heroine values her faith in God.
Now it’s your turn. What do you feel is critical for a woman to be called a heroine?

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